Friday, May 7, 2010

We are not alone

"Denominations were important in bringing the Christian faith to the variegated areas of American life, especially to the frontier. Their value now is by no means as clear. Because their structure is organized to secure the preservation and extension of the larger institution, congregations that take their primary identity from their denominations cannot relate to the total life of a community. Thus, denominational organization tends to make congregations a force of division rather than of reconciliation in their communities. The result of this fragmentation is that denominationally defined local churches do not feel ultimately responsible for representing God’s reign in or to their area." --Elizabeth Achtemeier, 1984

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The truth of these words is even stronger since they have become more true over time. The religious "machine" has often forsaken the freedom of truth and instead sold chains of religious bondage. The deception is so well worked that those who hear the "message" embrace the chains and never know the freedom.